My dear I want to make some changes about blog..
more text less photos hm maybe some of my photos ..
combination ..but still has the same purpose FASHION..
Check <3
p.s check my IG profil diaryofagingergirl
Drage moje zelim da napravim neke promene na blogu..vise teksta manje fotografija hmm mozda neke moje fotke..kombinacije..Ali i dalje imam isti cilj..Moda
Pogledajte <3
p.s pogledajte moj instagram profil diaryofagingergirl
Chanel |
Chanel |
Givenchy |
LV |
LV |
Saint Laurent |
Past few months was great in land of fashion industry fashion shows Paris Milan New York I chose my favorites take a look...
Valentino |
Protekli meseci su bili odlicni u modnoj industriji modne revije Paris Milano New York
izabrala sam moje favorite pogledajte...
The first African American women would be appearing in Dior’s latest video Secret Garden
Rihanna !congratulations!
Prva Afro Amerikanka ce se pojaviti u Diorovom najnovijem videu Tajni vrt
Rihanna Cestitamo!
to Brasserie..
#BrasserieChanel #PFW #FallWinter
Please take a look! This is app aobut brest you can download for free and check yours breast every day..
Healt is the not priceless!
Molim vas pogledaj te! Ovo je aplikacija koju mozete skinuti besplatno i proveravati vase grudi svaki dan..
Zdravlje je ne procenjivo!
Take a look Plezir magazin!My favorite
And for the end this joruney relax and take a look of a new movie...Cinderella
Whit love GG...